Abstract Details

Name: Bharath AJ
Conference ID : ASI2024_886
Title : Cosmic literacy-bridging the cosmic knowledge gap
Authors : Author- Bharath AJ Co-Authors - Apoorva Prakash, Tonny Mathew, Rudresh & Vinayak
Authors Affiliation: Young Innovators Educational Services Private Limited
Mode of Presentation: Poster
Abstract Category : Education, Outreach and Heritage
Abstract : Astronomy stimulates a profound sense of wonder and curiosity about the cosmos, igniting inquisitiveness among all age groups. By exposing individuals to the celestial phenomena and the scientific methods used to explore them, astronomy education nurtures critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and scientific literacy, transcending traditional disciplinary boundaries. However, there is often a disconnect between astronomy and the current education system. Astronomers (Amateur and professional), as well as educators, can use many aspects of the subject to help teach children and the general population about science, history and technology in multi-disciplinary ways. But, only a handful of content is being included in primary and secondary education globally. The choices offered are often limited to a few fields of scheduled work culture, diminishing the inner passion and interests of the students. Popularizing and incorporating Astronomy in the current primary and secondary education system plays a vital role because exploring astronomy can help in providing not only a greater understanding and appreciation for it; but also drives innovation and progress in numerous scientific and technological sectors expanding the horizons of our knowledge. By making strides to include astronomy in the classroom by educators and continuing it in astronomical practice by astronomers, children will be better informed about the subject and its workings. To make this happen, Young Innovators Educational Services Pvt. Ltd. incorporates astronomy education where we strongly believe in engaged learning through our classes and hands-on sessions and help the children to identify their interests and upskill them in their respective styles. The concept is further extended to the general public by displaying various science models that help them understand the complex dynamics of the cosmos alongside simple activity kits that encourage them to think, explore, experiment and learn.