Mansi M. Kasliwal1,2
The venerable study of cosmic explosions is over a century old. However, until
recently, there has existed a glaring six-magnitude luminosity gap between the
brightest novae and faintest supernovae. To find optical transients that are
fainter, faster and rarer than supernovae, we designed a systematic search: the
``Palomar Transient Factory''. Theorists predict a variety of mechanisms to
produce transients in the gap and observers have the best chance of finding
them in the local Universe. Here I present discoveries and unique physics of
cosmic explosions that bridge this gap between novae and supernovae.
Keywords: surveys -- novae, cataclysmic variables -- supernovae: general -- transients
On behalf of the Palomar Transient Factory Collaboration
1Department of Astronomy, California Institute of Technology, 1200 E. California Blvd. M/C 249-17, Pasadena CA
91125, USA
2Observatories of the Carnegie Institution for Science, 813 Santa Barbara St, Pasadena CA 91101, USA