Optical monitoring of FRII-type radio quasars

S. Zola1,2*, A. Kuzmicz1, M. Jamrozy1, M. Winiarski2, T. Szymanski1, D. Koziel-Wierzbowska1, E. Kuligowska1, M. Drozdz2, A. Erdem3, M. Siwak1, G. Stachowski2, M. Kurpinska-Winiarska1, D. Jableka1 and W. Ogloza2
1Astronomical Observatory, Jagiellonian University, ul. Orla 171, 30-244 Krakow, Poland
2Mt. Suhora Observatory, Pedagogical University, ul. Podchorazych 2, 30-084 Krakow, Poland
3Astrophysics Research Centre and Observatory, C¸ anakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Terzioğlu Kampusu, TR-17040, C¸ anakkale, Turkey

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We present preliminary results of optical monitoring of sample of FRII-type radio quasars. The optical observations were made with three telescopes, among them one robotic, spanning a time interval longer than two years. Variability in the range of a fraction of a magnitude was observed for all eight targets. We applied the structure function to analyse the brightness changes. The slope of the structure function is only consistent with the disk instability model for two sources; the other sources show values between of the disk instability and starburst models. Finally we argue that such monitoring would be most suitable as a long-term, complementary program for robotic telescopes.

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Keywords : galaxies: active – galaxies: jets – galaxies: photometry – quasars: general – quasars: individual: J0713+3656, J0952+2352, J1007+1248, J1158+6254, J1427+2632, J1504+6856, J1723+3417, J2042+7508