Search for transient radio sources near Galactic center region

S. Pal1*, S. Hyman2, S. Roy3, T. J. W. Lazio4, P. S. Ray5 and N. E. Kassim5
1Indian Centre for Space Physics, 43, Chalantika, Garia Station Road, Kolkata, India
2Department of Physics and Engineering, Sweet Briar College, Sweet Briar, VA 24595, USA
3National Centre for Radio Astrophysics, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Pune, 411007, India
4Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91109, USA
5US Naval Research Laboratory, Code 7213, Washington, DC 20375, USA

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We are summarizing our effort to search for transient radio sources near the center of Milky way using Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) and Very Large Array (VLA). We have detected two such sources in this region. Among these, GCRT J1745-3009 showed highly coherent emission with periodic pulse, very steep spectral index and variable circular polarization. The source GCRT J1742-3001 also showed steep spectral index.

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Keywords : Galaxy: center – radio continuum: general – stars: individual: GCRT J1745-3009, GCRT J1742-3001 – stars: variables: other