ASI Constitution: Article V : Meetings


  1. The General meetings of the General Body shall be of two kinds, viz., Annual and Extraordinary.

  2. One-fourth of the total number of regular members or fifteen members, whichever is less, shall constitute a quorum for the General Meeting. In the case of want of quorum, the meeting shall be adjourned and the business will be transacted at an adjourned meeting (for which no quorum is prescribed) or by correspondence as may be decided upon by the members present. An adjourned meeting may not be convened earlier than the day following the date of adjourned meeting and the notice thereof shall be given at the time of adjournment.

  3. An agenda shall be prepared and circulated well in advance of each general meeting.

  4. The Annual General Meeting shall normally be held towards the end of calendar year for

    1. Electing the officers and other members of the Council and members of the Nominating Committee.

    2. To approve the expenditure statement of previous year and pass the budget for the ensuing year.

    3. To approve the report of the activities of the Society.

    4. To appoint auditor(s).

    5. Transacting any other business brought forward by members and the Council.

    In case it is not possible to hold the annual general meeting the above business shall be completed by correspondence before the end of November each year. Counting of votes will then be done by Returning Officers appointed by the President.

  5. An extraordinary general meeting may be convened at the request of at least six Council members or by a requisition signed by not less than 20 Regular members for some special business of the Society, which should be notified in advance. No other business should be included in the agenda of the Extraordinary Meeting.

  6. The Scientific Meetings of the Society shall be held at least once in two years, and more frequently if necessary. They will be devoted to

    1. Presentation of original research papers.

    2. Review talks.

    3. Other scientific matters.

  7. The Executive Council shall meet at least once in a year. Five members of the Council shall form a quorum for a meeting of the Council. In the case of want of quorum, the meeting shall be adjourned and the business will be transacted at an adjourned meeting (for which no quorum is prescribed) or by correspondence as may be decided by the members present.

  8. Usual parliamentary procedures shall be followed at all meetings concerned with the Society.