ASI Constitution: Article VI : General Matters


  1. Assets and Liabilities: All assets and liabilities of the Society shall vest in the Council and managed by it in accordance with the provisions contained in these Rules and Regulations.

  2. Litigation: The Society shall sue and be sued in the name of its Secretary.

  3. Dissolution: The Society can be dissolved only at an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Society, called specifically to consider the issue and attended by at least one-fourth the number of Regular members on the rolls at the time. Consent of at least 75 per cent of the members present shall be necessary for the resolution to be declared carried.

    In case the Society has to be wound up the property and funds of the Society that will remain after full satisfaction of the liabilities of the Society will be transferred to some other Society in the country, with similar aims and objects and registered with the income tax department under section 12A of the IT Act 1961.

  4. Amendments: No amendment or alteration shall be made in the Memorandum and Rules and Regulations of the Society without the prior written permission of the Commissioner of income tax, and unless it is supported by two-thirds of the Regular members recording their votes at a General Body Meeting convened for the purpose and confirmed in a subsequent special meeting.

  5. The Registered Office of the Society shall be in Hyderabad, and until otherwise determined shall be situated at Department of Astronomy, Osmania University, Hyderabad 500007.