The eminent Indian theoretical astrophysicist Prof. K. N. Nagendra unexpectedly passed away on 6 March 2020 due to cardiac arrest. He was one of the main contributors to the advancement of the field of solar polarization with his many profound contributions to the theory of polarized radiative transfer.

He built up a group of brilliant young students, who now have become established scientists in different parts of the world. Besides this legacy, he stood out with his unparalleled work ethics, dedication to science, and integrity.

He has been on the scientific staff of the Indian Institute of Astrophysics in Bangalore since 1985. During this time he also held various visiting scientist positions in the US, France, and Switzerland. After his official retirement as Senior Professor in 2015 he continued his scientific work and collaborations with undiminished intensity. Besides science Prof. Nagendra pursued interests in Indian classical music and philosophy. He is survived by his mother-in-law, wife, daughter, son, and four grandchildren. While he will be deeply missed, his kindness and uncompromising devotion to the scientific enterprise will endure as an inspiration to all who have had the privilege of having known him as a mentor, friend, or collaborator.