On behalf of the organising committee, I am pleased to announce the first ADITYA-L1 Science Support Cell (AL1SSC) workshop that will be held at the ARIES, Nainital from 27th June to 6th July 2022. This workshop is primarily for students who are pursuing M.Sc/Integrated PhD (1st and 2nd year)/Integrated M.Sc (4th or 5th year)/B.Tech/M.Tech or who have passed M.Sc (Physics)/B.Tech/M.Tech/Integrated M.Sc (Physics) in 2021 with an interest and motivation to work in solar physics.

Several exciting lectures and hands-on sessions of data analysis will be given by the subject experts. More information can be found at https://al1ssc.aries.res.in/workshop.html. Interested candidates can apply online at https://www.aries.res.in/form/al1ssc-application . Please direct your queries to vaibhav.pant@aries.res.in.

I request you to kindly circulate this announcement in your institute to the target audiences or anyone in your knowledge whosoever is eligible for this.

Dr. Vaibhav Pant
Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Sciences