We have two positions to work with Dr. Manjari Bagchi on various aspects of pulsars, one is a research assistant (postdoc) position and the other is a project assistant position. The details can be found at the official circular at https://www.imsc.res.in/~office/jobs/projectpositions13march22.pdf
(upper half of page 3).

Ideally, the selected candidate is expected to utilize 50% of her/his research time on theoretical/computational problems and the rest 50% for observational and data analysis related to the Indian Pulsar Timing Array. However, depending on the experience and skills of the candidate, some adjustments will be possible.

As given in the advertisements, applications to be sent to the email id neutron_star@imsc.res.in, any query should also go to that email address.

Thanks and regards,

Manjari Bagchi
The Institute of Mathematical Sciences