Astrosat Picture of the Month #008

The AstroSat Picture of the Month for May 2018 is the X-ray data from the Crab Nebula, using the ASTROSAT. The left panel shows the new result. One rotation period of the Crab Pulsar, of 33 milliseconds, is represented as the phase going from 0.0 to 1.0 and is repeated once more, from 1.0 to […]

Astrosat Picture of the Month #007

The AstroSat Picture of the Month for April 2018 is the ultra-violet image of the Jellyfish Galaxy JO201, using ASTROSAT. This image shows hot young stars formed in the tentacles, visible to the left of the parent galaxy. These have been formed from the gas stripped from JO201 as it falls through the galaxy cluster. […]

Astrosat Picture of the Month #006

The AstroSat Picture of the Month for March 2018 is the ultra-violet image of NGC 7252 or the ‘Atoms for Peace’ galaxy, using ASTROSAT. The two tails of gas and stars ripped out due to the merger of two galaxies can be seen in the image on the left (going upwards and also downwards and […]

Astrosat Picture of the Month #005

The AstroSat Picture of the Month for February 2018 is the ultra-violet image of NGC 6960 or the Witch’s Broom, using ASTROSAT. The beautiful filaments are due to gas heated up because of the shocks from the Supernova explosion that happened thousands of years ago. (Picture Credits: Firoza K. Sutaria, K.P. Singh, P. T. Rahna,  […]

APOM 004 - NGC 40 Halo

Astrosat Picture of the Month #004

The AstroSat Picture of the Month for December 2017 are the the ultra-violet images of NGC 40 using ASTROSAT. The pink-red part is the gas cloud NGC 40, also known as the Bow-Tie nebula, which is being illuminated by its central hot star. The new discovery is that of the halo region surrounding the nebula. […]

Pic: Bohringer Friedrich

Total Lunar Eclipse – Sharing your event

Total Lunar Eclipse – 31 January 2018 – Sharing your event “Super Moon – Blue Moon – Blood Moon – Copper Moon – Eclipse” A nationwide, crowd-sourced event, co-ordinated by ASI-POEC, aims to make it easier for everyone to find their nearest place where some knowledgable person is showing the Eclipse. The events map will […]

Astrosat Picture of the Month #003

The AstroSat Picture of the Month for November 2017 are the Near-UV (left) and Far-UV (right) images of the Globular Cluster NGC 1851, taken by UVIT on board the ASTROSAT. The FUV image shows only the hottest stars in the cluster. All colours are artificial. (Picture Credits: Annapurni Subramaniam and collaborators ) To download a […]

NGC 2336, APOM2

Astrosat Picture of the Month #002

The AstroSat Picture of the Month for October 2017 is the Near-UV image of the beautiful barred spiral galaxy NGC 2336, taken by UVIT on board the ASTROSAT. The bright spots along the spiral arms are regions of active star formation. (Picture Credits: UVIT Team) To download a high resolution image, see link.    “AstroSat Picture […]

Astrosat Picture of the Month #001

This APOM shows us newly formed star clusters in the dwarf galaxy Wolf-Lundmark-Melotte (WLM), imaged by the Ultra Violet Imaging Telescope on board the ASTROSAT. (Picture Credits: Annapurni Subramaniam) To download a high resolution image, see link.    “AstroSat Picture of the Month” is an initiative of the Public Outreach and Education Committee of the Astronomical […]

Zero Shadow Day

The POEC has created and collected useful resource material on the Zero Shadow Day. For a given place below +23.5 degrees latitude in India, this occurs when the Sun is exactly overhead and hence casts no shadow on a vertical object. This occurs twice a year, once during Uttarayan and once during Dakshinayan. For more […]