Lecture 11 - Life history of stars – Low mass stars

Lecture 11 - Life history of stars – Low mass stars

As NASA reveals the first images from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), we are treated with hitherto unseen views of our Universe. An uncountable number of newly born stars are 'seen' to glitter through the curtain of dust and gas in the Carina Nebula. All stars are born from giant clouds of gas like this but their story depends crucially on their mass. This lecture focuses on the life history of low mass stars, similar to the Sun.

The life history of stars depends upon their mass in an essential way. In this lecture, we shall focus on the evolution of low-mass stars, similar to the Sun. We shall discuss why such stars evolve to become giants, and then supergiants. We shall also discuss the end state of low-mass stars.