Awards during ASI 2018

K D ABHYANKAR BEST THESIS PRESENTATION: K D Abhyankar Best thesis presentation award was awarded to Dr. Visweshwar Ram Marthi for the presentation titled "Towards detecting redshifted HI with the Ooty Wide Field Array"

BEST POSTER AWARD: A set of five awards has been instituted for the poster presentations during the 36th Annual Meeting of Astronomical Society of India, Osmania University, Hyderabad from 5 - 9 February 2018. Each award consists of Rs. 5,000/- and a certificate, and will be presented to the authors of the poster adjudged to be the best in each of the following disciplines:

The Best Poster Award for the year 2018 has been awarded to following:

  • Sun and Solar System : Mr. Surajit Mondal for the poster “Ionospheric Studies Using By-products of a Low-radio Frequency Solar Imaging Pipeline” .
  • Stars, ISM and Galaxy : Ms. A. J. Nayana for the poster “uGMRT observations of a TeV SNR G353.6-0.7”.
  • Extragalactic Astronomy : Mr. Pratik Dabhade for the poster “Giant Radio Galaxies from LOFAR Two Metre Sky Survey” .
  • Genaral Relativity and Cosmology: Mr. Shishir Sankhyayan for the poster “Large Scale Structures in SDSS” .
  • Instrumentation and Techniques: Ms. Vinutha C for the poster “SWAN (Sky Watch Array Network) Demonstrator: Development & Status” .

The Best Poster Award from Indian Academy of Sciences for the year 2018 has been awarded to following during 36th Annual Meeting of ASI :
1. Ms. Snehalata Sahu from discipline Stars, ISM and Galaxy for the Poster UVIT Study of Blue Straggler Stars in Globular Cluster NGC 5466 . The award consists of Springer eBook worth 200 Euros 
2. Mr. Chayan Mondal from discipline Extragalactic Astronomy for the poster UVIT imaging of WLM: How clumpy are the young and hot star distribution in this metal poor galaxy?. The award consists of Springer eBook worth 200 Euros