National Large Solar Telescope of India

S. S. Hasan*
Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore 560034, India

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The National Large Solar Telescope NLST will be a state-ofthe-art 2-m class telescope for carrying out high-resolution studies of the solar atmosphere. Sites in the Himalayan region at altitudes greater than 4000-m that have extremely low water vapor content and are unaffected by monsoons are under evaluation. This project is led by the Indian Institute of Astrophysics and has national and international partners. Its geographical location will fill the longitudinal gap between Japan and Europe and is expected to be the largest solar telescope with an aperture larger than 1.5 m till ATST and EST come into operation.

NLST is an on-axis alt-azimuth Gregorian multi-purpose open telescope with the provision of carrying out night time stellar observations using a spectrograph at the final focus. The telescope utilizes an innovative design with low number of reflections to achieve a high throughput and low polarization. High order adaptive optics is integrated into the design that works with a modest Fried parameter of 7-cm to give diffraction limited performance. The telescope will be equipped with a suite of post-focus instruments including a high-resolution spectrograph and a polarimeter.

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Keywords : Sun: general – telescopes