New optical telescopes at Devasthal observatory : 1.3-m installed and 3.6-m upcoming

Ram Sagar*, Brijesh Kumar, Amitesh Omar and Yogesh C. Joshi
Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Sciences, Manora Peak, Nainital 263 129, India

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The Devasthal Observatory, located at about 2450 m height above sea level in the central Himalayas, operates a 1.3-m optical telescope, commissioned in the year 2010 and building another 3.6-m optical telescope to be ready by 2013. Both of these are general purpose telescopes, providing spectral and seeing-limited imaging capabilities at optical and near infrared wavebands. The current status of these telescopes along with the planned back-end instrumentation are described.

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Keywords : telescope – optical: instrumentation