A subluminous Type IIP supernova 2008in having properties unknown so far

Chattopadhyay1*, S. Mandal2, H. Ghosh3, S. Garain3, R. Kumar1, and D. Ryu4
1ARIES, Manora Peak, Nainital 263129, Uttarakhand, India
2IIST, Thiruvananthapuram, India
3S. N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, Saltlake JD Block, Kolkata 700098, India
4Dept of Astronomy & Sp. Sc., Chungnam National University, Kung Dong, Daejeon, South Korea

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Supernova (SN) 2008in is a Type IIP event, which occurred in the outskirts of the nearby and nearly face-on spiral galaxyM61. The spectroscopic observations of this event suggest that it resembles those of the archetypal low-luminosity Type IIP SNe 1997D and 1999br. However, the extensive photometry reveals that its light curve is quite different from that of low-luminosity events. The derived bolometric flux also indicates that the radioactive 56Ni, produced during this process is significantly higher than that produced in case of low-luminosity events. Adopting an interstellar extinction of AV ~0.30 mag along the SN line-of-sight and a distance of 13.19 Mpc, the estimated value of ejected 56Ni mass is ~0:015M. The prescription of Litvinova & Nadezhin indicates that the pre-SN radius of the SN 2008in was ~126R and the explosion energy is of ~5:4 x 1050 erg. This value is consistent with the explosion energy determined through the radiation-hydrodynamical simulations of core-collapse IIP SNe. These parameter values are comparatively smaller than those of normal type IIP events. The estimated amount of total ejected mass is ~16:7M. Assuming the mass of compact remnant ~1:5 - 2:0M, we can confine the zero age main sequence mass of the progenitor within 20M .

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Keywords : supernovae: general - supernovae: individual (2008in).