Volume 6

Proceedings of an international workshop on stellar spectral libraries

University of Delhi
Delhi, India
December 5 – 9, 2011

Editors: Philippe Prugniel & Harinder P. Singh


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I. Invited and Contributed Talks

1. Empirical Spectral Libraries

A short review of empirical stellar spectral libraries:  1
S. C. Trager
[Abstract] | [PDF]

The X-Shooter spectral library:  13
Y. P. Chen, S. C. Trager, R. F. Peletier, A. Lançon, Ph. Prugniel and M. Koleva
[Abstract] | [PDF]

An atlas of L-T transition brown dwarfs with VLT/XShooter:  23
F. Marocco, A. C. Day-Jones, H. R. A. Jones and D. J. Pinfield
[Abstract] | [PDF]

Comparative analysis of modern empirical spectrophotometric atlases with multicolor photometric catalogues:  31
E. Yu. Kilpio, O. Yu. Malkov and A. V. Mironov
[Abstract] | [PDF]

Getting here: five steps forwards and four back:  39
R. Elizabeth Griffin
[Abstract] | [PDF]

The AMBRE project: creating a spectral library from the ESO archived spectra:  45
C. C. Worley, P. de Laverny, A. Recio-Blanco and V. Hill
[Abstract] | [PDF]

2. Synthetic Spectral Libraries

The AMBRE grid: a new library of cool stars high-resolution synthetic spectra in the optical domain:  53
P. de Laverny
[Abstract] | [PDF]

The POLLUX database of synthetic stellar spectra:  63
A. Palacios, A. Lèbre, M. Sanguillon and P. Maeght
[Abstract] | [PDF]

A new extensive library of synthetic stellar spectra from PHOENIX atmospheres and its application to fitting VLT MUSE spectra:  71
T.-O. Husser, S. Kamann, S. Dreizler and Peter H. Hauschildt
[Abstract] | [PDF]

Hot-star models from 100 to 10,000 Å:  79
Claus Leitherer
[Abstract] | [PDF]

Improving synthetical stellar libraries using the cross-entropy algorithm:  93
L. P. Martins, R. Vitoriano, P. Coelho and A. Caproni
[Abstract] | [PDF]

3. Abundance Analysis, Parameters, Populations

Stellar library of AGB stars: isotopic C abundances using APOGEE:  103
A. Manchado and D. A. Garcìa-Hernàndez
[Abstract] | [PDF]

Modelling chemical abundance anticorrelations on globular cluster spectra:  107
P. Coelho, S. Percival and M. Salaris
[Abstract] | [PDF]

Stellar population models based on new generation stellar library:  115
M. Koleva and A. Vazdekis
[Abstract] | [PDF]

Stellar streams in the Galactic thick disk: preliminary results:  125
P. Ramya and Bacham E. Reddy
[Abstract] | [PDF]

Stellar libraries as used in ISM modelling:  133
Jayant Murthy
[Abstract] | [PDF]

4. Classification etc.

The stellar parametrization using Artificial Neural Network:  137
Sunetra Giridhar, Aruna Goswami, Andrea Kunder, S. Muneer and G. Selva Kumar
[Abstract] | [PDF]

Classification of nova spectra:  143
G. C. Anupama
[Abstract] | [PDF]

Classification by boosting differences in input vectors: an application to datasets from astronomy:  151
N. S. Philip, A. Mahabal, S. Abraham, R. Williams, S. G. Djorgovski, A. Drake, C. Donalek and M. Graham
[Abstract] | [PDF]

The interpretation of galaxy spectra: problems and pitfalls:  161
Russell Cannon
[Abstract] | [PDF]

Spectral classification of selected ISOGAL sources using Himalayan Chandra Telescope:  173
U. C. Joshi, S. Ganesh, K. S. Baliyan, M. Parthasarathy, M. Schultheis, A. Rajpurohit, G. Simon and A. Omont
[Abstract] | [PDF]

Classical Be stars in our Galaxy and the Magellanic Clouds:  181
Annapurni Subramaniam, Blesson Mathew, K. T. Paul, R. E. Mennickent and B. Sabogal
[Abstract] | [PDF]

Spectroscopic charaterization of FHLC stars from the Hamburg/ESO survey and a newly found HdC star:  189
Aruna Goswami
[Abstract] | [PDF]

Spectral line profile changes associated with energetic solar transients:  197
Ashok Ambastha and Ram A. Maurya
[Abstract] | [PDF]

Numerical simulation of the Galactic chemical evolution:  203
S. Sahijpal and G. Gupta
[Abstract] | [PDF]

II. Posters

Comparison of stellar parameters derived by SSPP with methods without photometry:  211
Bing Du, A-Li Luo and Jiannan Zhang
[Abstract] | [PDF]

Elemental abundances in stellar X-ray plasmas:  215
K. P. Singh
[Abstract] | [PDF]

Investigation of the empirical stellar library:  221
Y. X. Guo and A. L. Luo
[Abstract] | [PDF]

Stratified abundance analysis of CP star HD 103498:  225
Chhavi P. Pandey, Denis V. Shulyak, Tanya Ryabchikova and Oleg Kochukhov
[Abstract] | [PDF]

Solar spectroscopy at ARIES:  229
Krishnanand Sinha
[Abstract] | [PDF]

Homogenized effective temperatures from stellar libraries:  235
V. Malyuto
[Abstract] | [PDF]

Spectral parameters of quiescent state coronae of RS CVn binaries:  239
J. C. Pandey and Vaibhav Pant
[Abstract] | [PDF]

The DAO plate and science archive:  243
David A. Bohlender and R. Elizabeth Griffin
[Abstract] | [PDF]

Automated stellar classification tools and their inter-comparison:  247
Vasudha Bhatnagar, Trasha Gupta and Ranjan Gupta
[Abstract] | [PDF]

Improvement of LAMOST spectral classification and radial velocity determination:  253
F. F. Wang and A. L. Luo
[Abstract] | [PDF]

Analysis of stellar spectra using ULySS:  257
Kaushal, Philippe Prugniel, Harinder P. Singh and Mina Koleva
[Abstract] | [PDF]

Spectroscopic investigation of SDSS J100921.40 + 375233.9 selected from SDSS and GALEX photometry:  265
Timur Sahin, David L. Lambert and Carlos Allende Prieto
[Abstract] | [PDF]

Conference summary:  269
G. C. Anupama
[Abstract] | [PDF]

Author Index:  273
[Abstract] | [PDF]

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