The AMBRE grid: a new library of cool stars highresolution synthetic spectra in the optical domain

P. de Laverny*
Laboratoire Lagrange (UMR7293), Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, CNRS, Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur, BP 4229, F-06304 Nice cedex 4, France

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We present a new grid of about 17 000 synthetic spectra that have been computed for the AMBRE project. AMBRE consists in the automatic determination of the stellar atmospheric parameters for ~300 000 archived spectra of four ESO spectrographs (FEROS, UVES, HARPS, GIRAFFE). The AMBRE spectra are based on MARCS model atmospheres and cover the whole optical domain from 3 000 to 12 000 Å with a constant wavelength step of 0.01 Å. The best available atomic and molecular linelists have been considered. Stellar parameters cover the ranges 2500-8000 K in effective temperature (Teff), -0.5 to 5.5 dex in logarithm surface gravity (log(g)) and -5.0 to +1.0 dex in mean stellar metallicity ([M/H]). Furthermore, variations in the [α/Fe] enrichment have been considered (from -0.4 to +0.4 dex around the standard values). All these spectra are made available to the community upon request to the author and part of this grid is also included into the POLLUX database.

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Keywords : stars: atmospheres - astronomical data bases: miscellaneous - stars: fundamental parameters - surveys