Improving synthetical stellar libraries using the cross-entropy algorithm

L. P. Martins*, R. Vitoriano, P. Coelho and A. Caproni
NAT - Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul, Rua Galvao Bueno, 868, S˜ao Paulo, SP, Brazil

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Stellar libraries are fundamental tools for the study of stellar populations since they are one of the fundamental ingredients for stellar population synthesis codes. We have implemented an innovative method to perform the calibration of atomic line lists used to generate the synthetic spectra of theoretical libraries, much more robust and efficient than the methods so far used. Here we present the adaptation and validation of this method, called Cross-Entropy algorithm, to the calibration of atomic line list. We show that the method is extremely efficient for calibration of atomic line lists when the transition contributes with at least 10-4 of the continuum flux.

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Keywords : line: formation – line: profiles – methods: numerical – methods: statistical – stars: fundamental parameters