Modelling chemical abundance anticorrelations on globular cluster spectra

P. Coelho1*, S. Percival2 and M. Salaris2
1Núcleo de Astrofísica Teórica, Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul, R. Galv˜ao Bueno 868, 01506-000, S˜ao Paulo, Brasil
2Astrophysics Research Institute, Liverpool John Moores University, 12 Quays House, Birkenhead, CH41 1LD, UK

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It is widely accepted that individual Galactic globular clusters harbor two coeval generations of stars, the first one born with the 'standard' &#alpha;-enhanced metal mixture observed in field Halo objects, the second one characterized by an anticorrelated CN-ONa abundance pattern overimposed on the first generation, &#alpha;-enhanced metal mixture. We have investigated with appropriate stellar population synthesis models how this second generation of stars affects the integrated spectrum of a typical metal rich Galactic globular cluster, like 47 Tuc. Our main conclusions are: 1) the age-sensitive Balmer line, Fe line and the [MgFe] indices widely used to determine age, Fe and total metallicity of extragalactic systems are largely insensitive to the second generation population; 2) enhanced He in second generation stars affects the Balmer line indices of the integrated spectra, through the change of the turn off temperature and the horizontal branch morphology of the underlying isochrones, which translate into a bias towards slightly younger ages.

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Keywords : stellar population models – galactic globular clusters