Stellar streams in the Galactic thick disk: preliminary results

P. Ramya* and Bacham E. Reddy
Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore 560 034, India

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Here we report preliminary results of our study of chemical tagging of member stars of two Galactic stellar streams. Both the streams, kinematically belong to the thick disk component of the Galaxy. We analysed high resolution spectra of 42 member stars: 17 from Arcturus stream and 25 from "AF06 stream". The LTE (Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium) abundance analysis was performed differentially with respect to the sun. Abundance results suggest that both the streams are metal poor and enhanced in &#alpha;-process elements (O, Mg, Si, Ca, Ti) very similar to the thick disk chemistry. Also, results suggest that the two streams probably did not originate by the dispersion of open clusters.

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Keywords : stellar streams – Arcturus stream – AF06 stream – abundances