Spectral line profile changes associated with energetic solar transients

Ashok Ambastha* and Ram A. Maurya
Udaipur Solar Observatory, Bari Road, P.O. Box 198, Udaipur 313 001, India

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Solar energetic transients occurring in solar atmosphere are associated with catastrophic release of energy in the solar corona. These transients inject a part of their energy by various physical processes to the deeper, denser photospheric layer at which velocity and magnetic fields are measured using suitable spectral lines. Serious questions have been raised about the nature of the observed magnetic (and velocity) field changes associated with energetic transients as their measurements are expected to be affected by flare-induced line profile changes. In this paper, we shall discuss some recent progress on our understanding of the physical processes associated with such events.

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Keywords : Sun: activity – Sun: magnetic field – Sun: spectral profiles