HST/STIS Advanced Spectral Library (ASTRAL)*

T. R. Ayresy
University of Colorado (CASA), Boulder, Colorado, USA

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ASTRAL is a Hubble Space Telescope Large Treasury Program whose aim is to collect full-coverage ultraviolet (1150–3100 Å) echelle spectra of representative stars of spectral types O–M, with resolution and S/N comparable to the best now obtained routinely in optical observations from the ground. First part of the program – Cool Stars – was completed in 2011. Second part – Hot Stars – is in progress (2013–2014). Resulting high-level processed UV “atlases” are available from the ASTRAL site: http://casa.colorado.edu/~ayres/ASTRAL/

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Keywords : atlases – stars: early-type – stars: late-type – ultraviolet: stars