Stellar spectral signatures in high-redshift galaxies

Claus Leitherer*
Space Telescope Science Institute, 3700 San Martin Drive, Baltimore, MD 21218, USA

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Stellar emission and absorption lines are routinely observed in galaxies at redshifts up to ~5 with spectrographs on 8 – 10-m class telescopes. While the overall spectra are well understood and have been successfully modeled using empirical and theoretical libraries, some challenges remain. Three issues are discussed: determining abundances using stellar and interstellar spectral lines, understanding the origin of the strong, stellar He II λ1640 line, and gauging the influence of stellar Ly-α on the combined stellar+nebular profile. All three issues can be tackled with recently created theoretical stellar libraries for hot stars which take into account the radiation-hydrodynamics of stellar winds.

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Keywords : stars: early-type – stars: Wolf-Rayet – galaxies: high-redshift – galaxies: stellar content – ultraviolet: galaxies