X-ray/UV variability of narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies

G. C. Dewangan1*, P. K. Pawar2 and Main Pal1
1Inter-University Centre for Astronomy & Astrophysics (IUCAA), Pune, India
2Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded- 431 606 India

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Narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies (NLS1s) host low black hole masses (MBH ≲ 107M) and are accreting at high accretion rates. These properties make NLS1s ideal AGN to study the coupling between the accretion disks and hot corona by studyingUV and X-ray variability. Here we present UV and X-ray variability of the NLS1 1H 0707–495 which is well known for its relativistically broadened iron K and L lines. We found no obvious correlation between the UV and X-ray emission on light-crossing time, implying absence of significant reprocessed emission. The lack of reprocessing is most likely due to the strong bending of X-ray emission froma compact corona onto the innermost regions, giving rise to broadened iron lines but no illumination onto the intermediate/outer disk where reprocessed UV emission is expected. We also found X-ray spectral variability – spectral steepening with increasing X-ray flux, which cannot be due to the variations in the seed flux as the UV emission is not correlated with X-ray powerlaw shape. The observed spectral variability is most likely intrinsic to the hot Comptonizing corona.

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Keywords : accretion, accretion disks – galaxies : active – galaxies : individual: 1H 0707–495 – galaxies : Seyfert