Estimation of the mass outflow rates around rotating black holes

Ramiz Aktar* and Santabrata Das
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Guwahati, 781039, India

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We consider steady, advective, rotating, inviscid accretion disc around the spinning black holes to compute the mass outflow rate (R ) defined as the ratio of mass flux of outflowing to the inflowing matter. Due to centrifugal barrier, accreting matter suffers discontinuous shock transition and because of shock compression, the post-shock matter becomes hot and denser than the pre-shockmatter. We call the post-shock disc as Post Shock Corona (PSC). During accretion, a part of the inflowing matter deflects as bipolar outflows due to the presence of excess thermal gradient force at PSC. We find that R is directly correlated with the spin of the black hole (ak) for the same set of inflow parameter, namely specific energy (ε) and specific angular momentum (λ). We observe that the maximum outflow rate(Rmax) weakly depends on spin (ak) that lies in the range ∼ 17% - 18% of the inflow rate.

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Keywords : accretion, accretion discs – black hole physics – shock waves - ISM: Jets and outflows