Bulletin of the Astronomical Society of India
W. Lewandowski1*, M. Dembska1, J. Kijak1 and R. Basu2
1Kepler Institute of Astronomy, University of Zielona Góra, Poland
2National Centre for Radio Astrophysics, TIFR, Pune, India
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We discuss the latest results regarding a new type of pulsar radio spectra - the gigahertz-peaked spectra (GPS).We also present the results of pulsar flux density measurements preformed by using the interferometric imaging technique. The observations were made in January 2013, and we were able to observe six objects, and confirm one gigahertz-peaked spectra pulsar. For some of the GPS pulsars using the interferometric imaging is the only way to estimate flux densities, as most of them have relatively high dispersion measures, and at frequencies below 1 GHz the pulse smearing due to the interstellar scattering does not allow the use of standard methods.
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Keywords : pulsars: spectra, radio-magnetars