Bulletin of the Astronomical Society of India
B. Ocaña Flaquer1,2*, N. Kantharia2, S. Sirothia2, P. Dutta2,3,
Ishwara-Chandra2 and Gopal-Krishna2,4
1Centro de Astrofísica da Universidade do Porto CAUP
2National Center for Radio Astrophysics NCRA, Pune, India
3Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research IISER
4Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics IUCAA, Pune, India
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We are presenting preliminary results on the nearest neighbor distribution (NND) and the two point angular correlation function (2pt ACF) of the radio sources detected by TGSS. The TIFR GMRT Sky Survey (TGSS) is a sky survey at 150 MHz, with an angular resolution of 20”, currently being done with GMRT. It will cover 90% of the entire sky down to declination of -55°. The technique of the NND allows one to distinguish if an apparent pair is indeed a single source or two physically independent sources. The 2pt ACF is fundamental to understanding the clustering properties of the sky compared to a random and homogeneous universe. The results presented here include all the TGSS fields released until DR5, the last data release. This analysis will continue until the TGSS survey is complete at which point we should get the global 2pt ACF function at 150MHz. This work, describes the project and the results so far.