Bulletin of the Astronomical Society of India
G. B. Taylor, on behalf of the LWA Collaboration*
University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131, USA
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The first station of the LongWavelength Array, called “LWA1”,
is working as a beamforming and imaging array, and has begun scientific
operations as a stand-alone instrument with collecting area roughly equivalent
to a 100m dish. The LWA1 images the sky in realtime using the
transient buer - narrowband (TBN) system which is operational with 260
dipoles, and a bandwidth of 70 kHz. The LWA1 can also form up to 4
beams on the sky simultaneously with 16 MHz bandwidth in each of two
tunings and full polarization. Early results include observations of pulsars,
the Sun, Jupiter, meteors and ionospheric phenomena. Over 50 projects are
in progress, including investigations into the “dark ages” using redshifted
hydrogen. The LWA1 is supported by NSF as a University Radio Observatory
and as such is open for use by the international community.
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Keywords : low frequency– telescopes