Bulletin of the Astronomical Society of India
H. T. Intema* †
1National Radio Astronomy Observatory, 1003 Lopezville Road, Socorro, NM 87801-0387, USA
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High-resolution astronomical imaging at sub-GHz radio frequencies has
been available for more than 15 years, with the VLA at 74 and 330 MHz, and the
GMRT at 150, 240, 330 and 610 MHz. Recent developments include wide-bandwidth
upgrades for VLA and GMRT, and commissioning of the aperture-array-based, multibeam
telescope LOFAR. A common feature of these telescopes is the necessity to
deconvolve the very many detectable sources within their wide fields-of-view and beyond.
This is complicated by gain variations in the radio signal path that depend on
viewing direction. One such example is phase errors due to the ionosphere.
Here I discuss the inner workings of SPAM, a set of AIPS-based data reduction
scripts in Python that includes direction-dependent calibration and imaging. Since its
first version in 2008, SPAM has been applied to many GMRT data sets at various
frequencies. Many valuable lessons were learned, and translated into various SPAM
software modifications. Nowadays, semi-automated SPAM data reduction recipes can
be applied to almost any GMRT data set, yielding good quality continuum images
comparable with (or often better than) hand-reduced results. SPAM is currently being
migrated from AIPS to CASA with an extension to handle wide bandwidths. This
is aimed at providing users of the VLA low-band system and the upcoming widebandwidth
GMRT with the necessary data reduction tools.
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Keywords : atmospheric eects – methods: data analysis – instrumentation: interferometers email: