Exploitation of the AMBRE Spectral Library with Gaia DR1

C. C. Worley1*, P. de Laverny2 and A. Recio-Blanco2 and V. Hill2
1Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0HA, United Kingdom 2Laboratoire Lagrange (UMR7293), Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, CNRS, Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur, CS 34229, F-06304 Nice cedex 4, France

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The AMBRE Spectral Library comprises the archived spectra of the FEROS, HARPS and UVES ESO spectrographs and their stellar parameters derived by automatic parameterisation. With this extensive set of stellar parameters and radial velocities, analyses regarding element abundances has been carried out, enriching this dataset further. Initial projects regarding Lithium and Iron-peak abundances in the galactic disk showcase the usefulness of this library. The cross-match of the objects within the AMBRE Spectra Library with the Gaia first release of the parallaxes for the Tycho 2 catalogue (TGAS) have proved a key resource in investigating the chemical distribution of the Gaia galactic populations.

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Keywords : astronomical databases–catalogs: stars–fundamental parameters: galaxy: stellar content