Volume 33 Number 4 December 2005

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A deep focus on NGC 1883:  421
Abstract | PDF

The nature of chromospheric active regions on V410 Tauri:  433
M. V. Mekkaden, S. Pukalenthi, S. Muneer, Anju Barbara Bastian
Abstract | PDF

The non-linear theory of a warp ed accretion disc with the Beta -viscosity prescription:  447
Jamshid Ghanbari, Mohsen Shadmehri and Fatemeh Salehi
Abstract | PDF

Recombination efficiency of molecular hydrogen on interstellar grains and its effect on pro duction of H2:  473
K. Acharyya and Sandip K. Chakrabarti
Abstract | PDF

Optical observations and multiband mo delling of the afterglow of GRB 041006 : Evidence of a hard electron energy spectrum:  487
Kuntal Misra1, L. Resmi, S. B. Pandey, D. Bhattacharya and R. Sagar
Abstract | PDF


Aspects of prehistoric astronomy in India:  499
N.Kameswara Rao
Abstract | PDF


Exposure time calculator for IFOSC and sky background estimation:  513
Pavan Chakraborty, H. K. Das1, and S. N. Tandon
Abstract | PDF

537: Author Index: PDF

61: Subject Index: PDF

(iii): Volume Contents: PDF

ISSN 0304-9523

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Edited and published by G.C. Anupama, Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore 560 034, for the Astronomical Society of India, and typeset and printed at Vykat Prints Pvt. Ltd., Airport Road Cross (opp ISRO), Bangalore 560 017.

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