Volume 33 Number 2 June 2005

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Mass function study of six open clusters Be 10, Be 67, To 5, Be 15, Be 71 and King 1:  51
Sneh Lata
Abstract | PDF


71: About the Proceedings: [PDF]

73: Foreword by U.R. Rao: [PDF]

I. Stars and Interstellar Medium

Infrared study of the first identified helium nova V445 Puppis:  75
N. M. Ashok
Abstract | PDF

Studies of the peculiar nova V4332 Sgr:  81
Dipankar P. K. Banerjee
Abstract | PDF

Lunar occultations in the near infrared: achievements and new challenges:  87
T. Chandrasekhar
Abstract | PDF

Evidence of asymmetry in Mira variable U Ori:  97
Soumen Mondal
Abstract | PDF

Interpretation of angular diameter measurements of Mira variables: role of water:  103
A. Tej, A. Lancon and M. Scholz
Abstract | PDF

A recent multi-wavelength campaign to observe the microquasar SS433:  109
Sandip K. Chakrabarti
Abstract | PDF

Imaging Fabry-Perot spectrometric studies of velocity fields in gaseous nebulae:  117
B. G. Anandarao
Abstract | PDF

Near-infrared photometric and spectroscopic studies on star forming regions:  125
B. G. Anandarao
Abstract | PDF

Star formation studies at TIFR:  133
S. K. Ghosh
Abstract | PDF

A near-infrared photometric study of the massive star forming region IRAS 21413+5442:  141
V. Venkataraman and B.G. Anandarao
Abstract | PDF

Multiwavelength study of the inner regions of the Milky Way Galaxy:  145
Shashikiran Ganesh, Umesh C. Joshi, Kiran S. Baliyan, Alian Omont and Guy Simon
Abstract | PDF

Near infrared photometry of the young clusters NGC 1960, NGC 2453 and NGC 2384:  151
Priya Hasan
Abstract | PDF

Probing circumstellar dust formation through high resolution spectroscopy:  159
N. Kameswara Rao
Abstract | PDF

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in stellar medium:  167
Shantanu Rastogi
Abstract | PDF

A near-IR stellar spectral library in the H band using the Mt. Abu telescope:  175
Ranjan Gupta, N.M. Ashok, Harinder P. Singh and Arvind C. Ranade
Abstract | PDF

II. Extragalactic Astronomy

Monitoring of AGNs for variability from MIRO:  181
K.S. Baliyan, U.C. Joshi and S. Ganesh
Abstract | PDF

Lenticular and other galaxies:  189
Ajit K. Kembhavi, Sudhanshu Barway and C.D. Ravi Kumar
Abstract | PDF

Morphological analysis of intermediate redshift galaxies using the HST/ACS GOODS survey:  195
A. Rawat and Ajit K. Kembhavi
Abstract | PDF

Advanced mergers of galaxies: luminosity profiles and dynamics:  201
Chanda J. Jog
Abstract | PDF

Optical observations of GRB afterglows from India:  209
Ram Sagar and Kuntal Misra
Abstract | PDF

Evolution of metals and dust in the universe:  219
Pushpa Khare, V.P. Kulkarni, J.T. Lauroesch, S.M. Fall, D.G. York, D.E. Welty, A.P.S. Crotts, J.W. Truran and O. Nakamura
Abstract | PDF

III. Solar System Studies

Polarimetric study of comets from Mt. Abu observatory:  225
U.C. Joshi, S. Ganesh and K.S. Baliyan
Abstract | PDF

Infrared spectroscopy of Jovian aurorae:  233
Koshy George and T. Chandrasekhar
Abstract | PDF

IV. Astronomical Tecniques and Facilities

The telescope control system at Mt. Abu infrared observatory:  237
R.R. Shah, N.S. Jog, D.V. Subhedar, A.D. Bobra, H.T. Rangooni, S.N. Mathur, P.S. Patwal, G.S. Rajpurohit and J.K. Jain
Abstract | PDF

Radio astronomical imaging and phase information:  245
Ashok K. Singal
Abstract | PDF

ASTROSAT observations: complementary studies from gound:  253
P. Sreekumar
Abstract | PDF

Atmospheric soundings from Mount Abu:  259
Som Sharma and H.S.S. Sinha
Abstract | PDF

ISSN 0304-9523

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Edited and published by G.C. Anupama, Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore 560 034, for the Astronomical Society of India, and typeset and printed at Vykat Prints Pvt. Ltd., Airport Road Cross (opp ISRO), Bangalore 560 017.

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