Volume 34 Number 2 June 2006

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The other backgrounds:  169
Virginia Trimble
Abstract | PDF


Multi-observatory observations of night-side of Venus at 2.3 micron - atmospheric circulation from tracking of cloud features:  189
Sanjay Limaye, Johan Warell, Bhywan C. Bhatt, Patrick M. Fry and Eliot F. Young
Abstract | PDF

Astrophysical molecule CN: vibronic transition probability parameters:  203
B. Karthikeyan, k. Balachandra Kumar, N. Rajamanickam and S. P. Bagre
Abstract | PDF

Periodic orbits around the collinear liberation points in the restricted three body problem when the smaller primary is a triaxial rigid body : Sun-Earth case:  211
Sanjay Jain, Ajay Kumar, K.B. Bhatnagar
Abstract | PDF

Visual observations of Geminid meteor shower 2004:  225
K. Chenna Reddy, D. V. Phani Kumar, G. Yellaiah
Abstract | PDF


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ISSN 0304-9523

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Edited and published by G.C. Anupama, Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore 560 034, for the Astronomical Society of India, and typeset and printed at Vykat Prints Pvt. Ltd., Airport Road Cross (opp ISRO), Bangalore 560 017.

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