Volume 38 Number 2 & 3 June & September 2010

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Research Articles

A CCD photometric study of the newly discovered contact binary ASAS 134738+0410.1:  77
Sukanta Deb, Harinder P. Singh, T.R. Seshadri and Ranjan Gupta
Abstract | PDF

Light curve solutions of eclipsing binaries in SMC:  83
V.P. Ivanov, D.P. Kjurkchieva, M. Srinivasa
Abstract | PDF

Estimation of CII and CII* column densities along Galactic sightlines:  93
Veena S. Parvathi, Ulysses J. Sofia, Jayant Murthy and B.R.S. Babu
Abstract | PDF

Further GMRT observations of the Lockman Hole at 610 MHz:  103
T.S. Garn, D.A. Green, J.M. Riley and P. Alexander
Abstract | PDF

Radiative transfer on X-Y geometry:  115
A. Peraiah
Abstract | PDF

Print ISSN 0304-9523

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Edited and published by D. J. Saikia, Cotton College State University, Panbazar, Guwahati 781 001, and National Centre for Radio Astrophysics, TIFR, Pune 411 007, India, for the Astronomical Society of India, and typeset and printed at Vykat Prints Pvt. Ltd., Airport Road Cross (opp ISRO), Bengaluru 560 017.

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