Volume 40 Number 2 June 2012

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Research Articles

Simultaneous X-ray and optical observations of thermonuclear bursts in the LMXB EXO 0748−676:  93
Biswajit Paul, M. Archana and Lakshmi Saripalli
Abstract | PDF

Low-frequency GMRT observations of the magnetic Bp star HR Lup (HD 133880):  105
Samuel J. George and Ian R. Stevens
Abstract | PDF

Imaging polarimetry of the Bok globule CB56:  113
D. Paul, H. S. Das and A. K. Sen
Abstract | PDF

Double-double radio galaxies from the FIRST survey:  121
S. Nandi and D. J. Saikia
Abstract | PDF

Associated HI absorption towards the core of the radio galaxy 3C 321:  139
Y. Chandola, S. K. Sirothia, D. J. Saikia and Neeraj Gupta
Abstract | PDF

Stark width regularities of neutral potassium lines within different spectral series:  151
D. Jevtić, I. P. Dojčinović, I. Tapalaga and J. Purić
Abstract | PDF

(vii) Society Matters: PDF

Print ISSN 0304-9523; On-line ISSN: 2249-9601
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Edited and published by D. J. Saikia, Cotton College State University, Panbazar, Guwahati 781 001, and National Centre for Radio Astrophysics, TIFR, Pune 411 007, India, for the Astronomical Society of India, and typeset and printed at Vykat Prints Pvt. Ltd., Airport Road Cross (opp ISRO), Bengaluru 560 017.

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