Abstract Details
Name: Abhishek Johri Affiliation: NCRA Conference ID: ASI2015_438 Title : Radio Recombination Line emission from Galactic star forming regions Authors and Co-Authors : Nimisha G. Kantharia, Anish D. Roshi Abstract Type : Poster Abstract Category : Stars, The Milky Way Galaxy and its neighbours Abstract : Radio Recombination Lines (RRLs) are powerful diagnostic of ionized component of inter-stellar medium (ISM). Being extinction-free, RRL traces the ISM for a range of temperature and density conditions at very large distances in Milky Way. Frequency of the RRL depends on the principle quantum number ($\approx$ n$^{-3}$). The observed hydrogen recombination line (RL) are typically broad ($\Delta{V} \approx 30 km{s}^{-1}$) indicating their origin in the hot ionized gas near to the ionizing source. Hydrogen, carbon and heavier element RLs with narrow line width ($\Delta{V} \approx$ 5 to 10 $km{s}^{-1}$) are also observed, which either originate in relatively cool partially ionized medium (PIM), at the interface of ionized gas and neutral gas, or photo-dissociation region (PDR) outside the H\small{II} region. \\ We will be presenting our results on RRLs observation of Galactic star forming region near 20cm (n=172). The aim of this study is to understand the detailed physical properties (temperature, density, origin and excitation) in the H\small{II} regions and the surrounding PIM and PDR. \\ |