Abstract Details

Name: Shyama Narendranath
Affiliation: ISRO
Conference ID: ASI2015_821
Title : New findings of solar coronal abundances from solar x-ray spectroscopic studies
Authors and Co-Authors : P. Sreekumar IIA P S Athiray IIA
Abstract Type : Oral
Abstract Category : Sun and the Solar System
Abstract : Good energy resolution x-ray spectrometers in space, operating at soft x-ray energies can contribute much to the study of solar coronal elemental abundance. The simultaneous measurement of the underlying continuum emission along with capacity to resolves many lines or line complexes, is a powerful tool to directly address plasma temperature, emission measure and abundances during a solar flare. Further, for bright flares, the time evolution of plasma/coronal parameters can also be studied. Going beyond the already published results from the Chandrayaan-1 XSM payload (ref: Narendranath et al 2013, Solar Physics, ), we have re-examined solar flare data from the D-C1XS experiment flown onboard ESA’s SMART-1 mission. We will present the initial results and conclusions.