Abstract Details

Name: Parameswaran Ajith
Affiliation: ICTS-TIFR
Conference ID: ASI2015_1034
Title : Gravitational-wave observations and multi-messenger astronomy
Abstract Type : Invited
Abstract : Celebrating its birth centenary, the General Theory of Relativity is the cornerstone of our understanding of high-energy astrophysics and cosmology. The last and perhaps the most intriguing prediction of this theory of gravity is the existence of gravitational waves. In the next decade we expect the emergence of a unique astronomical window based on direct observation of gravitational-wave signals. Gravitational-wave observations will complement, corroborate and perhaps challenge our understanding of the Universe gained from other windows of astronomy. This talk will summarize the prospects of extracting the physics and astrophysics some of the highest energy astronomical sources by combining gravitational-wave observations with electromagnetic observations.