Abstract Details

Name: Anindita Mondal
Affiliation: S N Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences
Conference ID: ASI2016_508
Title : Abundance analysis of the Recurrent nova RS Ophiuchi (2006 outburst)
Authors and Co-Authors : Prof. G. C. Anupama (IIA, Bangalore), Dr. U. S. Kamath (IIA, Bangalore), Dr. R. K. Das (SNBNCBS, Kolkata), Dr. Soumen Mondal (SNBNCBS, Kolkata).
Abstract Type : Oral
Abstract Category : Stars, The Milky Way Galaxy and its neighbours
Abstract : We present an analysis of elemental abundances of ejecta of the recurrent nova RS Oph using optical and near-infrared spectra during 2006 outburst (12 February, 2006) taken from 2m HCT and 1.2m Mt Abu observatory. We took optical spectra of 10 epochs (21 & 24 Feb, 12 Mar, 3 Apr, 26 May, 19 Jul, 18 Aug, 17 Oct, 2006 and two quiscence period data on 5 Apr, 2005 & 26 Apr, 2007) and NIR spectra of 2 epochs ( 16 Mar & 2 Apr, 2006). We use CLOUDY photoionization code to generate synthetic spectra by varying several parameters. The model generated spectra are then matched with observed emission line spectra. We obtain the best fit model parameters through χ2 (chi-square) minimization technique. The best-fit model parameters are compatible with a hot white dwarf source with log(T_BB) of 4.45 – 6.4 K and roughly constant log(luminosity) of 36.9 – 37.1 erg s−1. From the analysis we find the following abundances (by number) of elements with respect to solar: He/He⊙ = 1.5 – 2.5, N/N⊙ = 10 - 12, O/O⊙ = 0.7 – 5.0, Ne/Ne⊙ = 0.5 – 2.0, Si/Si⊙ = 0.3 – 0.5, Fe/Fe⊙ = 0.7 – 3.8, Ar/Ar⊙ = 4.0 – 5.5, and Al/Al⊙ = 0.9 – 1.1, Ni/Ni⊙ = 1.5 – 2.0. We estimate an ejected mass in the range of 3.4 - 4.9 x 10−6 M⊙ which is consistent with observational results.