Abstract Details
Name: Vaibhav Pant Affiliation: Indian Institute Of Astrophysics Conference ID: ASI2016_538 Title : Kinematics of fast and slow CMEs Authors and Co-Authors : 1.Sudarshan Sarnathan, Indian Institute of Astrophysics 2. Ankur Chauhan, Hansra College, Delhi University 3. Dipankar Banerjee Indian Institute of Astrophysics Abstract Type : Oral Abstract Category : Sun and the Solar System Abstract : We report the kinematics of slow and fast CMEs during cycle 23 and 24. We classify CMEs as slow and fast based on the speed of propagation. We find that slow and fast CMEs behave quiet differently in cycle 24 as compared to cycle 23. We also attempted to study the evolution of CME width with time and estimated the time and distance of width saturation. It has an interesting implications on the behavior of heliospheric magnetic field. |