Abstract Details

Affiliation: IISER-TVM
Conference ID: ASI2016_607
Title : Low scale Higgs Inflation with Gauss Bonnet Coupling
Authors and Co-Authors : Jose Mathew (IISER-TVM)
Abstract Type : Oral
Abstract Category : General Relativity and Cosmology
Abstract : Recent LHC data provides precise values of coupling constants of the Higgs field, however these measurements do not determine its coupling with gravity. We explore this freedom to see whether Higgs field non-minimally coupled to Gauss-Bonnet term in 4-dimensions can lead to inflation generating the observed density fluctuations. We obtain analytical solution for this model and that the exit of inflation (with a finite number of e-folding) demands that the energy scale of inflation is close to Electro-weak scale. We discuss the constrains from PLANCK data.