Abstract Details
Name: Dilpreet Kaur Affiliation: Student Conference ID: ASI2016_736 Title : Blazar OJ 287 : A Photometric variability study Authors and Co-Authors : Dilpreet Kaur(CSSTEAP-UN/PRL), S Ganesh(PRL), KS Balian(PRL),Ratna(PRL), Sunil(PRL/TIFR), UC Joshi(PRL). Abstract Type : Poster Abstract Category : Extragalactic astronomy Abstract : The unified model of Active Galactic Nuclei(AGN) postulates that radio galaxies, seyferts, quasars, blazars are different manifestations of the same kind of object with the difference being due to the relative orientation of an accretion disk (and jet), surrounding a supermassive black hole, with the line of sight. The most interesting class of AGN are blazars, which are thought to be AGN with the axis of the jet pointed towards the observer. One of the prominent characteristics of AGN is variability in flux and polarization properties at various timescales ranging from minutes to years. The study of variability, is one of the important tools to probe the inner regions of AGN. Variability at short timescales provide constraints on the size of the emitting region and the mass contained within that region. Thus important physical characteristics of the central engine can be obtained by studying the variability pattern of the AGN. Blazar OJ287 is thought to be a two black hole system based on the long term periodicity noticed in it's light curve. A smaller supermassive black hole with a mass of only 100 million MSun orbits the larger one with an observed 11-12 year orbital period as inferred from nearly periodic variation of 11-12 years. We have been monitoring OJ 287 over a long time using the 1.2m telescope with LN2 CCD at Mount Abu IR Observatory (MIRO). In the present work we shall discuss some results from the 2012-2013 observing season. |