Abstract Details
Name: varun Affiliation: Research Scholar, Raman Research Institute Conference ID: ASI2016_738 Title : A Large Area Photo-electron Polarimeter Technique : Experimental and Simulation Results. Authors and Co-Authors : Varun, Raman Research Institute, Bengaluru, India. Rishin P. V., RRI . Gopala Krishna M. R., RRI . Biswajit Paul, RRI . Sandhya P., RRI . Nagaraja H. N., RRI . Abstract Type : Poster Abstract Category : Instrumentation and Techniques Abstract : Compact high energy sources under extreme magnetic and gravitational fields and anisotropic emission condition should produce polarized X-rays. Emission mechanism, magnetic field structure and physical geometry at source are crucial factors in determining Degree of polarization and polarization angle. The photo-electron X-ray polarimeters which image the tracks of X-ray photo-electrons in a gaseous medium have very high sensitivity for X-ray polarization measurements. However, for astronomical observations, these detectors require focusing optics as they have small dimensions. We are developing a large area X-ray polarimeter that will enable us to measure X-ray polarization without using focusing optics. Our technique uses proportional counters with closely spaced wires, interleaved as two set of anodes. This technique depends upon division of charges in photo-electron track among the two anodes. We have measured the charge division for 6 keV and 23 keV over a range of gas pressures. The pattern of charge division has a dependence on the angle between direction of wires and initial polarization direction of X-rays. We will present experimental and simulation result. |