Abstract Details

Name: Dr. Rulee Baruah
Affiliation: HRH The Prince of Wales Instt. of Engineering and Technology
Conference ID: ASI2016_764
Authors and Co-Authors : Kalpana Duorah, H. L. Duorah Deptt. of Physics, Gauhati University, Guwahati-781014
Abstract Type : Reject
Abstract Category : Stars, The Milky Way Galaxy and its neighbours
Abstract : Stars in the mass range 10-30 M⊙ evolve to form iron cores of 1.3 to 1.6 M⊙. These iron cores collapse according to well known instabilities, photodisintegration and electron capture. During collapse an outward bound shock wave forms in the matter falling onto the nearly stationary core. The conditions behind the shock at 100 to 200 km are suitable for neutrino heating . This neutrino heating blows a hot bubble above the protoneutron star and is the most important source of energy for Supernova Explosion . At this stage, we try to attain the r-process (rapid neutron capture process) path responsible for the production of heavy elements beyond iron , which are otherwise not possible to be formed by fusion reactions . The particular model we have used is the delayed explosion of massive stars powered by neutrino energy deposition in a hot-bubble. We have studied the r-process path corresponding to temperatures ranging from 1.0x109 K to 3.0x109 K and neutron number density ranging from 1020 cm-3 to 1030 cm-3. Another astrophysical parameter needed for our analysis is neutron number density which we take to be greater than 1020 cm-3. In the later expansion stages after SN explosion where the neutron density supposedly falls, the r-process nucleosynthesis produces the heavy elements which subsequently beta decays and the r-process path forms. Along the path , the experimental data of observed elements matches our calculated ones. We note that the element 98Cf 254 shown by the SN light curves is found in our classical astrophysical condition of T = 1.9× 109 K and nn = 1020 cm-3. We investigate the superheavy elements' (Z > 92) formation along the r-process path and note that with the increase in temperature the SHE element formation is highly favored. Also we note an element of mass 273 corresponding to atomic number 115, at temperature 3.0 × 109 K and neutron density 1020 cm−3.