Abstract Details

Name: Ranadeep Sarkar
Affiliation: Udaipur Solar Observatory, Physical Research Laboratory
Conference ID: ASI2017_1330
Title : On the dynamics of the largest active region of the solar cycle 24
Authors and Co-Authors : Sindhuja G, Sajal Kumar Dhara, Nandita Srivastava Udaipur Solar Observatory, Physical Research Laboratory
Abstract Type : Poster
Abstract Category : Sun and the Solar System
Abstract : We have analyzed the solar active region (AR) NOAA 12192 using the full-disc intensitygrams and the vector magnetograms observed by instruments onboard the Solar Dynamic Observatory (SDO). We have also used the high cadence Ca-K time series data from the Kanzelhohe Solar Observatory (KSO). AR 12192 is the largest region since November 18, 1990, and it underwent a noticeable growth and produced 6 X-Class flares, 22 M-Class flares, and 53 C-Class flares in the course of its disc passage. But the most peculiar fact of this AR is that it was associated with only one small CME in spite of producing several X-Class flares. This AR, after one disc passage from October 19-27, returned back to the next two-disc passages. In this work, we have calculated the area of this active region along with the individual umbra and penumbral area of the sunspots during all the three disc passages. Using the high cadence Ca-K time series data the Ca-K plage area is calculated using the histogram method as described in the Tlatov (2009) for this AR during three disc passages. In addition, we have analyzed the flux emergence, flux cancellation regions and several magnetic parameters like the shear angle, magnetic helicity of this active region for the disc passage October 19-27. From that analysis, we attempt to understand the variations in the magnetic parameters, as well as the umbral, penumbral and the plage area due to the flare activity.