Abstract Details

Affiliation: Osmania University
Conference ID: ASI2017_785
Title : Meteor observations with the all-sky SKiYMET radar at Thumba
Authors and Co-Authors : B Prem Kumar, Department of Astronomy, Osmania University, Hyderabad, India -500007 & K Kishore Kumar Space Physics Laboratory, Vikram Sarabhai Space Center, Thiruvananthapuram, India.
Abstract Type : Poster
Abstract Category : Sun and the Solar System
Abstract : For dedicated long term observation of meteors, a commercial version of all-sky interferometric meteor (SKiYMET) radar has been developed and installed at Thumba (8.50 N, 770 E). This radar system uses an antenna configuration designed to yield unambiguous meteor angle of arrival while minimizing mutual antenna coupling. Using a careful selection criterion to exclusively record only underdense meteor echoes, the radar allows detection of a wide range of meteor parameters. In this study, we present and discuss the distribution of some selected parameters obtained during the 2013-2015 Geminid meteor shower period. We report here the flux profile of the shower, depending on season and shower activity, typically the daily count rates varies between 6, 500 and 13,000 meteors per day. Further, the radar data used to measure the radiant and pre-atmospheric speed of the meteors form which an orbits has been calculated. With long term data set, some of the possible future potential studies to be carried with the system are discussed.