Abstract Details

Name: Arun Surya
Affiliation: Indian Institute of Astrophysics
Conference ID: ASI2017_1029
Title : Data Pipeline for Hanle Echelle Spectrograph
Authors and Co-Authors : Prof. Sivarani Thirupathi Indian Institute of Astrophysics
Abstract Type : Oral
Abstract Category : Instrumentation and Techniques
Abstract : With the growing complexity of instruments and observations, data pipelines have become invaluable to present astronomers the interface to interact with reduced data and produce timely scientific results.The development of pipelines allow users to reduce the redundant work and utilize their time for understanding scientific observations. Its also important in the context or archiving data and making data public which leads to more scientific publications and results. Also having a pipeline gives you an opportunity to utilize the instrument to its limits and making design specific routines for data reduction. This is important in highly sensitive and high resolution observations like exoplanet detections, which require the instrument to be perfectly calibrated to work at lower Signal to Noise Ratio. Hanle echelle spectrograph (HESP) is a fibre-fed, high resolution (R = 30,000 and 60,000), spectrograph for the 2m HCT telescope, developed jointly by CI(Callaghan innovation), New Zealand and IIA. The project is funded by Department of Science and Technology (DST), India. The instrument cover the entire optical wavelength in a single instrument setup, without any gap in the wavelength cover. In the case of HESP we realised that the current methods of reductions through IRAF requires improvement with better visualizations of tracing, extraction of orders and automated wavelength calibrations. The HESP pipeline was thus developed to provide a simple interface to the user of HESP data to get extracted calibrated data from the instrument. In this poster we discuss the details of routines developed as part of the pipeline, written in Python, and the initial results which shows significant improvement over classic reduction methods using IRAF.