Abstract Details

Name: Rahul Bandyopadhyay
Affiliation: Satyendra Nath Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, Kolkata
Conference ID: ASI2017_1213
Title : Morpho-Kinematical Study of Nova V477 Scuti
Authors and Co-Authors : Ramkrishna Das, S N Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences; Soumen Mondal, S N Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences
Abstract Type : Poster
Abstract Category : Stars,ISM and the Galaxy
Abstract : In this work we perform morpho-kinematical study of novae V477 Scuti in order to obtain a 3D model and some important physical parameters. Nova V477 Scuti (Nova Scuti 2005 N.2) made its outburst in October, 2005. The near-IR JHK-spectroscopy (1.08-2.35 µm) of V477 Scuti are found to be typical of a classical nova and show prominent H I emission lines of the Paschen and Brackett series. We extracted the near-IR K-band data of 19th October, 05, obtained during the outburst by Das et. al. (IAU Circ. 8617, 2005) at 1.2m Mt. Abu Telescope. We have primarily modeled the ejecta of Nova V477 Scuti using the 19th October Br-γ (2.1655 µm) line profile as reference with the morpho-kinematic modeling software SHAPE. The full width at zero intensity of the line calculated from the Doppler shift is found to be about 3500 km/sec. The line profile has a prominent triple-peak feature along with two smaller peaks in both red and blue sides of the central peak. In SHAPE we construct the possible 3D model and the code generates a synthetic line profile, which is directly compared with the observational line profile for a satisfactory match. The basic modeling reveals a bipolar structure, with an equatorial ring, which enhances the central peak, and the polar over-density blobs, which are considered to account the red and blue shifted peaks. The relative dimensions of the components, the axial ratio of the bipolar structure, the relative density and maximum expansion velocity of the individual components and inclination of the polar (major) axis with the line of sight is varied and several synthetic spectra are generated. The best fit parameters are obtained through optimization technique. The estimation of the parameters are as follows: Axial ratio of the bipolar structure is 1.5, the inclination of the system is ~20° and the maximum expansion velocity of the bipolar structure, polar blobs and the equatorial ring are ~1200 km/sec, ~1400 km/sec and ~400 km/sec respectively. As the components move with different velocities, we expect that their relative density shall change with the time.