Abstract Details

Affiliation: Institute of Mathematical Scineces (IMSc), Chennai
Conference ID: ASI2017_1326
Title : Probing Orbital Properties of Wide Binary Pulsars
Authors and Co-Authors : Dr. Manjari Bagchi IMSc-HBNI
Abstract Type : Poster
Abstract Category : Stars,ISM and the Galaxy
Abstract : When rotationally powered, neutron stars emit electromagnetic beams mostly in the radio wavelengths, they are known as radio pulsars. The rotation periods of radio pulsars have been found to be in the range of 1.4 milliseconds to 8.5 seconds. Radio pulsars with rotation period less than 30 milliseconds are known as millisecond pulsars (MSPs). It is believed that MSPs got spun-up during there past when they accreted matter from their companion's giant stage. Most of the millisecond pulsars are thus in binaries (usually with white dwarfs as the companion but sometimes another neutron star or an evaporated sub-stellar object can also be the companion). But there are about 60 MSPs in the Galactic field are isolated. It is thought that their progenitors were like progenitors of double neutron star systems, but the binaries got disrupted during the second supernovae. PSR J1024−0719 is a millisecond pulsar that was long thought to be isolated. However, puzzling results concerning its velocity, distance, and low rotational period derivative have led to reexamination of its properties. This is now thought to be a part of a binary with a very wide orbit having orbital period between 2-20 kyears. I explore different classical and general relativistic aspects of pulsar properties of such wide binary pulsars, especially the orbital properties. I also investigate the possibilities of other known isolated MSPs to be actually members of such very wide binaries.