Abstract Details

Conference ID: ASI2017_1374
Title : UV variability study of Fermi detected quasars
Authors and Co-Authors : Debbijoy Bhattacharya MCNS, Manipal University
Abstract Type : Poster
Abstract Category : Extragalactic astronomy
Abstract : Advances in space technology and multi-wavelength observations have revolutionised the field of astrophysics. One of the least studied spectral region is ultraviolet energy band. The Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) launched on 2003, carried out the first all sky imaging and spectroscopic survey in UV band. Quasars are highly luminous and exhibit variability throughout the electromagnetic waveband. A detailed study of variability across the electromagnetic waveband will be useful to better understand the emission mechanisms in active galaxies. Earlier studies indicate that radio-loud ultraviolet variable quasars (UVQs) are marginally more variable than radio-quiet UVQs. Furthermore, existence of possible correlation between radio loudness and UV-optical variability amplitude is suggested. Here, we will present the initial findings of our investigation of variability and presence of any possible correlation of a selected Fermi detected quasars in UV and gamma-ray band utilizing observations from GALEX and Fermi gamma-ray space telescope.